| KICKOFF | 1. Set goals 2. STC plan | | --- | --- | | ANALYSIS | 1. Research course niche and target learner audience 2. Analyze needs for knowledge/skills gap 3. Define learning objectives | | MARKETING Happening concurrently | 1. Publish blogs and social media posts (content marketing) 2. Participate in online communities 3. Validate interest/demand (e.g. pre-launch waitlist, ebook or webinar lead magnet) 4. Research pricing models 5. Promote course launch | | DESIGN | 1. Design course strategy to achieve learning objectives 2. Research online course hosting platforms 3. Map out the course content and learning experience 4. Outline an evaluation strategy | | DEVELOPMENT | 1. Write/compile course content 2. Create media and learning materials 3. Get feedback before finalizing | | IMPLEMENTATION | 1. Set up on course platform 2. Test 3. Launch! 4. Continual marketing | | EVALUATION | 1. Review feedback and analytics |